First off. Our first meeting with E & S went really well! We spent about 4 hours with them at a local park. It was a fairly nice day (although a tad bit chilly). Ellie was not her normal self. She actually cried! She NEVER cries! I really think she was very tired but obviously didn't want to nap because of all that was going on. Once we did get her to sleep, when she woke up she was much better. It was a very good meeting and we look forward to seeing them again at our Agency's Christmas party in December!
Ellie turned five months old on Tuesday. I can't believe that she is five months already! The time is flying by! She's so amazing right now and it's so wonderful to watch her change and grow. Here's some info about her now:
-Weighs just over 15 lbs.
-Drinks about 25-27 oz of formula a day
-Can roll front to back and back to front
-LOVES tummy time
-Laughs a LOT!
-Loves being thrown up into the air
-Is ticklish
-Sleeps mostly on her stomach
We went pumpkin picking together a couple of weeks ago. We took a hayride out to a local pumpkin patch. Ellie was a bit sleepy but we could tell that she LOVED the hay ride. It was so cute to watch the wind in her hair and see her staring at the corn fields as we went by them. We got some great pictures of everything!
Today is Halloween and Ellie is coming in to work at the end of the day with her costume on. We can't wait to show her off. We put her in her costume the other day to take pictures and it looks SO cute on her! We were going to have her be a strawberry (it was the only thing Matt and I could agree on and in our price range), but then my mom saw this costume at TJ Maxx and we LOVE it so much more. If you are friends with us on Facebook then I'm sure you saw what this costume is. If you're not friend with us, then you'll have to wait until I post picture here!
I'll try and post her 4 month, 5 month, pumpkin picking and Halloween pics sometime this weekend!
Happy Halloween everyone!
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